
Tuesday, October 26, 2004

A gallery's steps in Tokyo.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

One week ago, from a tower in Roppongi.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Art becomes the next suspect in America's 9/11 paranoia

On May 10 Steven Kurtz went to bed a married art professor. On May 11 he woke up a widower. By the afternoon he was under federal investigation for bioterrorism.
What began as a personal tragedy for Mr Kurtz has turned into what many believe is, at best, an overreaction prompted by 9/11 paranoia and, at worst, a politically motivated attempt to silence a radical artist. ...by Guardian Unlimited

The Critical Art Ensemble , which he is belong to, is a famous group in media art field. Nobody does think he is a bioterrorist. And it's obvious what he did is legal. Many artists has been explored the new field where biotechnology and art merged, and they has been criticized the scientists' shortsight. That may open the controversial issue to public from various points of view. On the other hand, I think it's true on some cases that the emerging biotechnology research by artist, but scientist, outside the specialized scientific laboratory is dangerous. But this issue is not such a kind of matter. In the United States, the definition of "terrorist" has expanded. That's the matter. In the definition, all artists, mean critical creative people, may be terrorists.

See more the detail Critical Art Ensemble defense fund

See an article about his DNA art project in Wired. http://www.wired.com/news/medtech/0,1286,50830,00.html

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セワコル、マ Critical Art Ensemble defense fund

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Entering the enterprise zone

...Oxfam - aid agency, cafe proprietor and now purveyor of downloadable music - is winning plaudits from charity marketing experts for its entrepreneurial attitude as it moves into territory far from traditional tin-rattling to raise awareness and money. ...by Guardian Unlimited
A kind of the downloadable music is Noise. This venture supported by Coldplay and George Michael. Unfortunately the website is available for only Windows users. Is it OK?

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Saatchi 'devastated' by art blaze

Modern art mogul Charles Saatchi has spoken of his loss after a warehouse fire destroyed more than 100 artworks from his famous collection. ...by BBC News

In pictures: Lost artworks

It was big fire. The fire broke out on Monday and there were still small fire on Wendsday. The big modern art warehouse disappeared. Although I am not a fan of sense of Saatchi collection, it was shocked for me.

YK is riding a segway.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

I went to the exhibition of Rika Noguchi at the Hara Museum today.
She seems to affirm everything of the world strongly. And she dives into the world as a part of it. Her photographs reflesh the viewers. If I were a critic, I would be ashamed to use vocabulary of the art/photo critic for her photos. I see freedom in the sky and the sea which she has been taking.

I bought CDs of Spangle call Lilli line at the Tower Record in Shibuya.

Exercising JT at her home.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Subway Officials Seek Ban on Picture-Taking

New York City Transit yesterday proposed a ban on unauthorized photography, filming and videotaping on city subways, buses and Staten Island Railway trains. ... by The New York Times

If it would be gone, the NY city would be more boring without doubt. I think about Japanese situation, it would be impossible. Taking picture with digital camera, and small camera with cell pnone became a behavier of everyday life.
Nowaday it is not recognized as an artistic behavier. But it's true that's still something of a kind of expression. It might be said a kind of memorize. This is a rule limited in the tranportation. However I wouldn't like to imagine how the people who be banned taking pictures would be.


